Business Brokerage Forms

Finish The Deal includes downloadable, customizable forms.

A list of terms and conditions for an offer.
A list of different types of documents.
A buyer 's receipt for due diligence item
A close up of several documents and process related to closing a transaction.
A close up of the title page for a business closing checklist.
A list of business documents with the names of each.

Business Brokerage Control Sheets

Finish The Deal includes Len Krick’s business brokerage control sheet:

A spreadsheet with multiple tasks and several times the time.
A spreadsheet with multiple tasks and tasks in it.

Due Diligence List and Control Sheet

Finish The Deal includes Len Krick’s due diligence module, which includes:

A form that has instructions for writing on it.
A business valuation spreadsheet with the company 's due diligence conditions.
A green background with some type of color

Escrow Opening Checklist

A form that has been written to fill out.

Master Business Orderly Turnover Checklist

A business turnover checklist for all of the companies
A table with the names of all the different types of jobs.
A spreadsheet with many different colors and numbers.

Fantastic 90-Minute Webinars

FastStart ™ learning modules include these 90-minute webinars written by Len Krick:

A green and red background with some white lines